HYMSON and HYMSON ITALY at EUROBLECH EXHIBITION 25-28th OCTOBER 2022: the best Exhibition closing party ever! Welcoming and friendly, informal and joyful.
It took heavy organization and planning to make everything work. We thank the Hymson team and its hard job to make a wonderful and powerful event happen.
EUROBLECH 2022 has just come to an end in Hannover, confirming its position as the international benchmark for the metalworking technology sector.
A total of 38,076 visitors from all over the world crowded the halls of this 26th edition, which finally returned after a four-year forced interruption. 1300 exhibiting companies from 39 countries on a net exhibition area of 86,136 square metres.
A very enthusiastic and energetic atmosphere filled the metalworking community and industry professionals who found here a unique opportunity to network and exchange experiences for mutual enrichment.

In just a few days, this fair allowed Hymson staff to meet many Partners and Customers – including potential ones – and to present our brand and expertise. The fair was a great success and we had the opportunity to show the visitors our products and services and to demonstrate some of Hymson machines in operation.
In the coming week we’ll start making direct contact in the hope of building a constructive and supportive professional relationship with those companies and professionals who visited us.

This is what we do in the metal working industry.
HYMSON’s complete range of industrial sheet and tube laser cutting machines
Company profile
As a leading engineering and manufacturing company, Hymson specializes in a wide range of machines and automation systems in the fibre laser cutting with laser power up to 20 kw. Hymson is an international company listed in the technology 50-star Shanghai Stock Exchange index (SSE) with a long history of multi-industry excellence also in the production and supply of components for I-Phone and plants for electric car batteries.
Engineering, Design, Research & Development as well as High Production capacity are the company’s flagship and they become an absolute competitive advantage in reducing time to market at all stages of a new product’s realisation.
Hymson products offer flexible and cost-efficient solutions with a constant eye to the future and the demanding smart technologies.