SAFETY AT WORK in Italy during SARS-COV hard times

In an emergency situation like the present one, characterized by a critical need for personal protective equipment (PPE), Hymson donated two thousand health masks to the Camillo de Lellis Hospital in Schio. The masks will be used to protect the doctors and paramedics of the various hospital facilities to which they will be distributed, people who in these weeks are doing an extraordinary job in defense of public health, often even putting their lives at risk.
“We felt it was our duty to show solidarity with the health workers in the Vicenza area where Hymson has established its Italian branch. At this time we believe it is very important that the companies witness their presence in the territories in which they operate. The value of solidarity is essential in the current emergency, but it will be even more so in the next phase, when we must start again with great determination to overcome the consequences of this tragedy”, says Hymson Management.